Published 17.September 2012
Lindholmen Science Park has been granted 9 million SEK by Vinnova to the CLOSER project SENDSMART. Fifteen partners in Gothenburg will invest the same amount, over a two-year period. The project will develop and introduce new solutions for goods transport in Gothenburg.
The SENDSMART project will be led by CLOSER, the Swedish arena for transport efficiency, at Lindholmen Science Park. A consortium has been formed for the project, where fifteen parties in Gothenburg jointly invest the same amount as Vinnova.
- This is very good news, says Jerker Sjögren, programme manger for CLOSER at Lindholmen Science Park. This means that both the sister projects GO:SMART and SENDSMART have been approved. They are concrete examples of the flying start for CLOSER.
Partners in the project SENDSMART:
• Trafikkontoret
• AB Volvo
• Renova
• Schenker Consulting
• Chalmers University of Technology
• The Swedish Transport Administration
• Lindholmen Science Park
• Business Region Göteborg
• Fraktkedjan
• Göteborgs Lastbilscentral
• Älvstranden Utveckling
• Innerstaden Göteborg
• Mistra Urban Futures
• Tyréns
• Peab
• Svevia
The project will develop and implement new solution for goods transports. The project starts immediately and will last for two years.
SENDSMART will focus on three types of goods in the city:
1. Goods supply to shops, restaurants etc., also called city logistics
2. Construction transport
3. Transports within waste management and recycling
SENDSMART + GO:SMART, 40 million turnover in two years
With its unique brokerage service for everyday travels SENDSMART and GO:SMART will serve as a lead project with strong links to the West Swedish package and Älvstaden. In total, the two projects will turn over 40 million, over two years.
For CLOSER the projects are important as a model for how demonstration projects should be implemented in order to be successful. The projects will run parallel and with a particular focus on integration between passenger and good transport when it comes to planning, dialogue with households and businesses, flexible land use and electrification. GO:SMART and SENDSMART has a joint steering committee with traffic director Bridget Hellgren as chairman.