Go-ahead for AstaZero
In May this year the testing facility AstaZero received green light to start construction. AstaZero is currently the only test facility in the world specifically developed for tests and research surrounding active safety. The facility is strategically placed in the centre of the West Sweden automotive cluster and the assembled expertise that exists within the field of safety.
- In addition to improving road safety, we hope that AstaZero also will create employment in the automotive industry, says Birgitta Losman, chair of the Regional Development Board in Västra Götaland, who are investing 5,5 million Euro in the facility.
When the facility is completed in 2014, researchers and industry in Sweden and abroad will have the opportunity to test new solutions for active road safety, safer vehicles and reduced environmental impact. The innovative research environment and proximity to the European network will mean unique opportunities in the future, both for the single researchers and for major projects and collaborations within the field. - We hope that AstaZero can attract both international researchers and international research resources, says Helena L Nilsson, Head of Research and Development at Region Västra Götaland.
AstaZero is a trademark of ASTA– Active Safety Test Area AB. The company is owned by Chalmers Technical University and SP Technical Research Institute and financially supported by Region Västra Götaland, AB Volvo, Volvo Cars, Autoliv, Scania, the City of Borås, Test Site Sweden, Vinnova and the European Regional Development Fund.